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Meet the students and staff working within CRITICAT

Latest CRITICAT News

Claire Passes Viva

14 Jan 2020

Congratulations to Claire Lamb who successfully defended her thesis on the 10th January 2020. Claire worked with Ai-Lan at Heriot-Watt developing novel oxidative Heck reactions (among other projects). We look forward to seeing where Claire decides to go next.

Poster Prize @ Perkin

13 Jan 2020

Many congratulations to Chris Thomson who was awarded a poster prize at 48th Scottish Regional Organic Division Meeting ("The Perkin Meeting"). The event was held on the 9th January and showcased current research from across Scotland. Great work Chris!

Award at Chemical Science Symposium

01 Oct 2019

Many congratulations to Chris Thomson who was awarded a prize for his poster presentation at the Chemical Science Symposium in London (24th-25th September). The event was themed around functional organic materials and Chris presented his work on polymer-supported organophotocatalysts. Great work Chris!

Success at Outreach Event

27 Sep 2019

In late September, we delivered a large-scale outreach event in partnership with St Monans Primary School. The event was held at the Byre Theatre and allowed ~100 children to take part in a series of hands-on activities. A delegation of students also delivered an event at the school allowing P1-P2 students (aged between 4-5) to also take part in the experiments. The event was a huge success and the children were great at asking us difficult science questions :)

First EaSI-CAT Cohort Start PhDs

23 Sep 2019

Our first cohort of EaSI-CAT students started their PhDs this week and took part in a series of skills lectures including research software, presentation skills and how to critique posters and scientific manuscripts. We wish our students every success in their research and look forward to seeing how they progress!

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November 15, 2020

Virtual Explorathon

Virtual Explorathon Starts

December 14, 2020

Science Communication Speaker

Talk on Science Communication (Teams)

March 22, 2021

Annual Conference

Annual Conference (Teams)

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What's On


EPSRC Grant: EP/L016419/1

©2017 by CRITICAT. Proudly created with

+44(0)1334 463689


School of Chemistry,

North Haugh

University of St Andrews

Fife, KY16 9ST 

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