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Supervisors involved in the CRITICAT program have a diverse range of research interests. All potential CRITICAT supervisors are listed below and are divided into broad research areas. You can click the images above to navigate to supervisors interested in specific areas of catalysis research.

Homogeneous Catalysis

Homogeneous supervisors

Heterogeneous Catalysis and Reaction Engineering


Biocatalysis supervisors
Hetero and Eng Supervisors

November 15, 2020

Virtual Explorathon

Virtual Explorathon Starts

December 14, 2020

Science Communication Speaker

Talk on Science Communication (Teams)

March 22, 2021

Annual Conference

Annual Conference (Teams)

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What's On


EPSRC Grant: EP/L016419/1

©2017 by CRITICAT. Proudly created with

+44(0)1334 463689


School of Chemistry,

North Haugh

University of St Andrews

Fife, KY16 9ST 

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